Bringing Electronics, Lighters, and Beauty Devices in Your Carry-on- Flightright UK

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Essential Information About Carrying Powerbanks, Razors, and Lighters in Your Hand Luggage

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Razor, empty water bottle, lighter and hairdryer in hand luggage
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The most important facts about “Carrying Powerbanks, Razors, and Lighters in Your Hand Luggage”

  • Lighters: Only one gas lighter is allowed and must be carried on your person; petrol lighters and storm lighters are prohibited.
  • Razors: Disposable razors with protected blades are allowed in hand luggage; razors with replaceable, exposed blades are prohibited.
  • Electric Razors: You can bring electric razors in your hand luggage, but make sure to follow the battery rules.
  • Power Banks: A maximum of 2 power banks are allowed, each with a capacity of no more than 100 watt-hours.
  • Empty Water Bottles: Allowed in hand luggage and can be filled after passing through security.
  • Hair Dryers: Permitted in hand luggage, but specific regulations apply for battery-operated hair dryers.
  • Electronic Devices: Smartphones, tablets, and laptops are allowed in hand luggage and must be scanned separately at security.
  • Sharp Objects: Generally prohibited in hand luggage, except for rounded or blunt scissors under certain conditions.

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Travelling by air can be tricky, especially when it comes to packing your hand luggage. Most people are familiar with the liquid restrictions, but what about items like lighters, power banks, and razors? Can you bring an empty water bottle to fill later? And who might need to carry a hair dryer?

Many travellers find the rules for specific items unclear. Different airlines have their own regulations, making it challenging to keep up.

Read on to discover how to properly pack these everyday items in your hand luggage, and which items might be best left at home.

Bringing lighters on your flight: What you need to know

If you tend to carry a lighter, the rules are quite straightforward: You are permitted to bring a single lighter, which must be a classic flint lighter or a piezo lighter. These types feature a familiar wheel or small spark mechanism and utilise liquid gas.

Fire Lighters in different variations

Generally, lighters are not allowed in either checked baggage or hand luggage. Instead, they must be carried on your person during the flight, such as in a trouser pocket or inside jacket pocket.

Lighters with other energy sources, such as petrol, are considered hazardous materials and are prohibited on the plane. For example, Zippo lighters, which typically run on petrol and have a wick, are classified as potentially dangerous by aviation authorities.

Classic Zippo Lighter

Matches On Board

Bringing matches on a plane? Here’s what you need to know:

  • One Small Box: Only one box of safety matches per person is allowed.
  • Waterproof Only: Matches must be waterproof and can only be ignited on the striking surface.
  • No “Strike-Anywhere” Matches: Self-igniting or “strike-anywhere” matches are not permitted.
  • Carry On Person: Matches must be carried on your person, not in hand luggage or checked baggage.
  • Recommended Types: Matches with red or brown heads are recommended.

Different Regulations at Your Destination: Be Prepared

Regulations can vary by country, so it’s crucial to check in advance. Even if you carry your lighter correctly, it may be confiscated at your destination if it’s not allowed there.

Always check the current regulations of both your airline and the countries you’re travelling to, as they can differ.

Quick Summary for Travellers:

  • Lighters: Only one liquid gas lighter per person, carried on your person.
  • Matches: One small pack per person under the rules mentioned above.
  • Prohibited Items: Petrol lighters and storm lighters with non-absorbable fuel.
  • Checked Baggage: Lighters are not allowed in checked baggage.

For more detailed information, learn about carrying lighters on flights here.

Packing Razors in Your Hand Luggage

When preparing for your flight, double-check with your airline about razors in hand luggage, as rules can vary.

Generally speaking, disposable razors with a protective guard are permitted in hand luggage, including standard wet razors. However, razors with exposed blades or individual replacement blades should be packed in checked baggage to avoid issues at security control.

Display of a single disposable razor

Additionally, there are restrictions on carrying other items with potential injury risks, such as nail files or scissors. Depending on the airline and your destination, these items must not exceed certain dimensions to be transported in hand luggage.

Can I bring an electric razor in my hand luggage?

Absolutely! Electric razors are usually allowed in hand luggage, especially those with built-in batteries. Here’s what you need to know:

  • Carry in Hand Luggage: Your electric razor should be packed in hand luggage.
  • Battery Regulations: General rules for batteries on airplanes apply. Most battery-powered razors are well within the limits of 100 to 160 watt-hours.
  • Security Check: You might need to present and scan the razor separately at security.
  • Function Check: Ground staff might test the device’s functionality.

Electric razors are amongst the gadgets you can usually carry in your hand luggage without any hassle. That said, it’s always a good idea to check the specific rules regarding batteries or accumulators, as restrictions can vary.

Quick Summary for Travellers:

  • Allowed in Hand Luggage: Disposable razors with protected blades.
  • Prohibited in Hand Luggage: Razors with replaceable, exposed blades (without a plastic frame).
  • Secure Packaging: Use a guard or cover for any sharp objects.
  • Additional Considerations: Check for special regulations on nail files and scissors.

Learn more about carrying razors in hand luggage here.

Power Banks on a Plane

If you’re planning to keep your electronic devices, like smartphones or tablets, charged during your flight, a power bank in your hand luggage is a great idea. Just be sure to follow these specific rules to avoid any issues:

Rules for Carrying Power Banks

  • Maximum Number: You can carry up to 2 power banks in your hand luggage. Power banks are not permitted in checked baggage.
  • Power Limit: Each power bank must not exceed 100 watt-hours (Wh).
  • Capacity: Ideally, choose models with a capacity of less than 27,000 milliamp-hours (mAh).

Recommendations based on travel duration

Travel durationRecommended capacityRecommended Power
Long-haul flights20000 mAh65 – 100 watts
Short-haul flights6000 – 10000 mAh20 – 45 watts
Day trip6000 – 10000 mAh20 – 45 watts
The higher the wattage, the shorter the charging time.

Power Banks with High Capacities (20,000 mAh and above)

Power banks with capacities over 20,000 mAh and output between 65 to 100 watts are highly efficient and ideal for intensive use. These powerful devices are especially useful for:

  • Multiple charge cycles: Perfect for keeping smartphones, tablets, and other mobile devices fully charged multiple times.
  • Energy-demanding activities: Excellent for mobile gaming, video recording, video calls, or watching films, all of which consume a lot of power.

If you need to frequently charge several devices and might not always have access to power outlets, these power banks are an excellent choice.

Power Banks with Medium Capacities (6,000 mAh to 10,000 mAh)

For those with less intensive energy needs, power banks in the range of 6,000 mAh to 10,000 mAh and output of 20 to 45 watts offer a great balance. These models are perfect for:

  • One to two full charges: Suitable for giving your smartphone at least one to two full charges.
  • Portability: Compact and lightweight, making them ideal for carrying on-the-go.

These power banks are well-suited for shorter trips and daily use where a lower charging capacity is sufficient.

Powerbanks in 2 different sizes and capacities held in 2 hands for comparison

Always check the current TSA/EASA regulations and your airline’s guidelines to ensure your portable charger meets the necessary requirements.

Power banks should be kept easily accessible in your hand luggage, as they need to be scanned separately during security checks.

For more detailed information, learn about carrying power banks on planes here.

Empty Bottles in Hand Luggage

2 refillable water bottles that can be taken past the airport security check

Are Empty Water Bottles Allowed in Hand Luggage?

Yes, carrying empty water bottles in your hand luggage is entirely permissible and explicitly approved by aviation security authorities. This allows you to have water or other beverages during your journey without breaching liquid restrictions.

Why Are Empty Water Bottles Permissible?

  • Compliance with Hand Luggage Regulations: Carrying an empty bottle does not contravene any hand luggage rules. Liquids are only restricted to a certain amount in hand luggage, but as the bottle is empty, no such limits apply.
  • No Carrying Restrictions: Passengers can transport their empty water bottles without any limitations. These bottles can stay in hand luggage during security checks and do not need to be presented separately or removed from the bag.
  • Not Classified as Dangerous: Unlike sharp or pointed objects, empty bottles are not deemed hazardous. Therefore, travellers can safely pack them in their hand luggage and take them on board without any issues.

Utilising Your Empty Bottle

Once you have passed through security, you may fill your empty bottle at one of the various water dispensers typically available in airport waiting areas. This practice is not only environmentally friendly—helping to reduce the purchase of single-use plastic bottles—but also cost-effective.

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When purchasing drinks after passing through security, there are no volume restrictions, so you can carry these in your empty bottle. This makes your flight more pleasant and keeps you hydrated.

Important Points:

  1. Type of Bottle: Any empty plastic or metal drinking bottle is permitted.
  2. Volume of the Bottle: There is no restriction on the volume of empty bottles.
  3. Number of Bottles: You can carry multiple empty bottles.
  4. Positioning in Hand Luggage: Free choice, as long as safe transport is ensured.
  5. Airline Guidelines: Always check your airline’s specific regulations, despite general permission.

Carrying empty bottles in hand luggage is thus a carefree and ecological option for travellers who wish to focus on sustainability and comfort even above the clouds.

Hairdryers in Hand Luggage

Can you carry a hairdryer in your hand luggage?

Fortunately, the answer is clear and straightforward: Hairdryers can indeed be carried in hand luggage.

Bringing a hairdryer in hand luggage is often a matter of convenience for air travellers, especially if you want to look good right after landing or need to travel on quickly.

Other reasons to bring your own hairdryer include:

  • Familiarity: Some people prefer using their own hairdryer because they are more familiar with it, rather than relying on possibly subpar hotel hairdryers.
  • Special Needs: Certain hair types or styles may require a specific hairdryer that might not be available at the destination.
  • Hygiene: Using a personal hairdryer can be more hygienic than using shared hotel devices.

Security Check

To ensure that your hairdryer meets security requirements and remains undamaged during the flight, here are some tips:

  • Presentation: Security personnel may ask you to show the device to ensure it is indeed a hairdryer.
  • Battery Operation: If the hairdryer is battery-operated, general regulations for batteries on airplanes apply. Lithium-ion batteries up to 100 watt-hours are usually allowed.

Overall, it is advisable to carry hairdryers in hand luggage to avoid damage.

Can Mobile Phones, Smartphones, and Tablets Be Carried in Hand Luggage?

Mobile phones, tablets, and laptops can generally be taken on planes. They are now considered indispensable travel companions. These devices should be carried in hand luggage, not in checked baggage.

Security Check

During the security check, larger electronic devices like laptops and tablets must be placed separately in a bin.

  • Take the laptop out of its bag
  • Scan tablets, e-readers, and smartphones separately

There is no strict limit on the number of devices, as long as they are for personal use and comply with regulations.

Usage in the Plane

To avoid any interference with the aircraft’s navigation and communication systems, it is important to activate airplane mode on your smartphone or tablet before take-off and during landing. Airplane mode disables all wireless connections and radio modules, ensuring that no signals are emitted from the devices that might affect the aircraft.

Electronic personal mobile devices

It’s advisable to familiarise yourself with the specific regulations of the airline regarding the carriage of these devices before your flight.

What is allowed in hand luggage and what is not?

The most important information at a glance:

CategoryAllowed in hand luggageRestricted / limitedProhibited
Electronic devices✓ Power banks, Smartphones, Tablets, E-readers, Headphones, HairdryersPower banks (≤100Wh), Spare batteries (≤100Wh)Devices that cannot be switched on (due to malfunction), Power banks >160Wh
LaptopsLaptops with detachable batteries (battery must be scanned separately)Damaged laptops with fire risk
Kameras✓ Digital cameras, Action cams, Video camerasFilm cameras (may require additional checks)
Sharp ObjectsRounded/blunt scissors <6 cmKnives, Cutters
Razors✓ Electric razors, disposable razorsRazors with replaceable blades (blades must be removed)Straight razors, loose razor blades
Lighters / Matches✓ One lighter or one pack of matches (carried on person)Multiple lighters

Good to Know

  1. Always check your specific airline’s regulations, as they may have additional restrictions.
  2. Security staff have the final say on what is allowed through checkpoints.
  3. Regulations can vary by country, especially for connecting flights.
  4. When in doubt, it is safer to transport items in checked baggage or leave them at home.
  5. Be prepared to take certain items out of your bag for separate screening.

Would you like to know more about hand luggage regulations? Click here.

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